Hemma hos Noora Vesterin

How are you today?

Very well thank you! I just finished doing yoga, which I’ve been trying to include to my morning routines. Already 10 minutes every morning makes me feel very relaxed and inspired.

For those who do not know who you are, can you tell me about who you are?

I’m Noora, 26 years old from Finland. I’ve been living in Paris past four years and currently I’m a freelance writer, creative consultant, entrepreneur and also I’m working on a side for Marni. On my free time I’m a huge architecture- and design enthusiast.

You are an incredibly driven person, what do you like most in your role?

Thank you! I’m extremely grateful to be able to do so many things I’m passionate about. The best thing must be the diversity of people I get to meet and work with every day.

If you would meet yourself as a student, what would you have given yourself as a career tips?

It hasn’t been that long since I finished my studies so I guess I’m still figuring that out! But I would tell myself that it is definitely ok to change your plans.

In your role, what are you inspired and do you have any role models?

I’m inspired by hard working and ambitious people, especially women. I truly admire Emily Weiss, the founder of Glossier, and even I’m not working in the same industry, I look up to her innovative attitude towards running a business.

Your style is:

Both at home and clothing very minimal, practical and with some odd details to add contrast.

Favorite furniture at home:

A butterfly chair, that has been in our family for at least 20 years. It is also my only own furniture, since most rental apartments in Paris are furnished, which makes it even more special.

What do the friends say when they’re home with you: 

It smells good. Either because I’m cooking every time someone is coming over or because of sentenced candles.

Greatest interior design right now: 

We are planning to buy our own apartment soon with my boyfriend and as we don’t have any furniture, we can start from zero. It will be very exciting but I know I’m going to have lots of difficulties to choose which direction to take. I love mid-century modern style but also clean Scandinavian minimalism.

Proudest Project:

My own brand MIES which is launching soon. It is focusing on selling mostly vintage wool- and cashmere coats, but also some gorgeous vintage design objects.

Best Purchase: 

Nespresso coffee-machine! It is such a pleasure to have good coffee first thing in the morning.


Fashion magazines. I have lots of my mom’s old Vogues from the 90’s and I’m buying every issue from Self Service and Unconditional Magazine.

Latest Purchase: 

I rarely buy other things than food (and magazines!) But it must be a sentenced candle from Byredo.

What is sustainability for you? 

Being conscious about every decision; thinking carefully if I truly need the product, if I’m going to use it for a long time and if not, what happens to it after. I think we should all learn the skill of admiring beautiful things without owning them.

Favorite Designer: 

Finnish architect and designer Alvar Aalto and in fashion, Phoebe Philo and the Olsen sisters at The Row.

Source of inspiration: 

Aesthetically I draw inspiration from literally everything! People on the streets, magazines, Instagram, architecture, art..

What are you reading right now?

Stephen Hawking’s Brief History Of Time. Reading about universe and space really puts your problems in perspective.

Best styling tips: 

Breaking minimal harmony with something interesting and personal.

How well are you dealing with work-life balance?

I’ve became quite good at it. I’ve learned to listen myself and my body and I know that I work better when I’m well rested. My boyfriend is also an entrepreneur and is working very intensively so we try to plan weekend getaways quite often to escape from all the distractions.

What is your biggest mistake in your career? 

When I was younger I didn’t know how to say « no » because I was trying to please everyone. Luckily I got better with that.

Favorite store: 

The Broken Arm in Paris.

What does a perfect Saturday look like? 

We would wake up with my boyfriend without an alarm and have a coffee in bed. The day we would spend by riding bikes around Paris and stopping by spontaneously in galleries and parks.

What will you do in 5 years?

Run my own business and hopefully with a small and innovative team.

If you would choose a detail in our homes from Blooc, what would it be?

Very difficult question, everything! Right now I miss having a big kitchen so the open kitchens in Blooc homes really got my attention.

Last but not least – who would you like to advise on future reports in Blooc Friends?

My mother! She’s an interior designer and my parents home in Finland is just gorgeous. I’m not sure if she would do it but she was the first one that came to my mind.

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